I’m honored that one of my prints will exhibited as part of Power of the Presses at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. The show of books and prints runs from March 7-June 8, 2025 and includes a number of opportunities for hands-on art making in the gallery.
Download exhibition flier
The Point V.5
The annual newsletter for the C.C. Stern Type Foundry is on press! This year we selected 12pt. Monotype Modern No. 8 (8A) for the body text, complemented with Linotype Bodoni and decorative border material. Seems like the process of casting was a bit rougher than years past — first a mould that we decided was too worn and needed to be swapped out, then a matrix for a single letter that was casting too low, followed by random substitutions of letters for unit spaces. Ack. All those issues meant that the print runs were also challenging, and far more time consuming than they should have been. As always, I learned a lot in the process, and was reminded of how much more there is to learn.
Printing by Hand Exhibit
I have three pieces up as part of the “Printing by Hand” group show at the Hillsboro Brookwood and Shute Park Libraries. The exhibit includes work from regional letterpress printers, and was organized by the Northwest Letterpress Network. It will be on display November 1-December 31, 2024, with a reception on December 5th, 6:30-7:30pm at the Brookwood Library Gallery.
phil elverum 'night palace' book release
We (Craft Printing House) have just finished casting, printing and binding a new chapbook by Phil Elverum, a companion to Mt. Eerie’s latest album Night Palace. The standard edition is a run of 2000, 56 pages with soft cover and a wrap-around dust jacket. There is an additional lettered edition which will be cloth bound by Jules Remedios Faye, with hand lettered spine and cover labels done by Phil. It’s the first book we’ve produced start to finish at the Clatskanie shop space—cast on the Linotype 31, text block and covers printed on the Heidelberg 13x18, and the dust jackets on the Vandercook Universal 1AB. We’re excited to celebrate the completion at the book release event on October 6, 2024 at the Birkenfeld Theatre.
The release event is part of a pilot Artist in Residency program that the C.C. Stern Type Foundry is sponsoring. Visual or literary artists are able to come to our “campus” in Clatskanie and explore a project with the technical support of the Foundry volunteers (currently by invitation only). As part of this experience, the artist is asked to give some kind of public presentation about their creative process. The poster pictured was composed with a combination of hand set metal foundry type and Linotype (text and decorative material). Printed in two metallic ink colors on the Vandercook Universal 1AB.
Julia Ferrari at Golganooza Letter Foundry and Press
50th Annual Gilbert Family Beanhole poster
This colorful poster was designed and printed in the summer of 2024 to commemorate the 50th Gilbert family reunion. Every August generations of the Gilberts gather in Dorset, Vermont to celebrate our connection to each other and to the little corner of the Green Mountain State where at least five generations have resided. We have a fire, bury a pot of beans, go for a hike, attend to gravesites or hold memorials, sleep, dig up the beans and have a potluck, hold an auction, eat fresh strawberry ice cream, look at scrapbooks and note the “best beans ever” in the official record. It’s no ordinary reunion.
Letterpress, wood and metal type, carved linoleum block, relief background tint
Dimensions: 12” x 18”
Hand-set wood type and metal type, dutch oven (bean pot) carved from a mounted linoleum block.
Color tint printed from a litho blanket. Letterpress printed on Tango C1S in three colors.
Short film on barbarian press
This short documentary tells the story of Jan and Crispin Elsted, who for over 30 years have made books by hand, letterpress printed from metal type and wood engravings. It’s a portrait that reinforces what it is to live for your passion. Released in 2016, and recirculating on vimeo now.
Raymond Carver Writing Festival 2024
The Raymond Carver Writing Festival takes place annually in Clatskanie, Oregon, the birthplace of Raymond Carver. I’ve been involved the last couple years as a volunteer through the C.C. Stern Type Foundry, but this year Brian and I were asked to head up the six person organizing committee. This year’s theme is “Where I’m Calling From,” referencing the title of one of Carver’s short stories and a short story collection.
The 2024 Raymond Carver Writing Festival is May 17th-18th! Starting Friday evening at 5pm the festival offers a writers & publishers fair, reception and keynote presenters, followed by poetry and prose readings at multiple venues. From 10am-5pm Saturday there are participatory readings, workshops, and chances for writers to gather at various locations around the town of Clatskanie. Saturday evening culminates with “Poetry and Pie” a catered farm-to-table dinner, community pie potluck, and open mic poetry reading from 6-9pm.
Featured presenters include Kim Stafford, Robert Michael Pyle, and Chad Wriglesworth (Raymond Carver Review); joined by Joseph Green, Scott MacGregor, Michael Mills (Raymond Carver Podcast), Marianne Monson, Laura Moulton, Ben Parzybok, Ed Skoog, Mac Stripling, Justin Taylor, and more.
Join in for a weekend of fun to celebrate the craft of writing and support a community of regional writers. All efforts have been made to keep events free and open to the public.
Persist! Movement and Protest Art Exhibit
I’m proud to have two of my print works, Maple Nation and Reciprocity, included in a show at the North Seattle College Art Gallery through April 26, 2024. Both pieces are from the collection of Jenny Wilkson.
“Persist: Movement and Protest Art" pulls together posters, art, zines, and ephemera from collections of Seattle artists. The exhibition focuses on pieces made in the last decade that educate, inspire, and fuel resistance in the face of a white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal world.
Persist! Movement and Protest Art
March 11 – April 26, 2024
North Seattle College Art Gallery
Visit Monday-Thursday 11-5 pm & Friday 11 am - 2 pm
Codex 2024 Book Fair and Symposium
In early February, the Codex Foundation held their biannual book fair and symposium in Berkeley, California. Over 200 book artists and organizations related to book making fill the hall for 4 days. It’s an amazing variety of work from all over the world, and there is always some gem of inspiration to be found.
For the first time in the four years I’ve gone to Codex, I also was able to attend the symposium talks. The theme was “Translation: Literal, Material, and Artistic License” and each of the speakers added another layer of interpretation. Kudos to Inge Bruggeman, Codex Director, for her curation of a stellar line-up. Of special note was Abra Ancliffe’s presentation of her current work in progress related to Kepler’s Astronomia Nova. You can see the symposium recordings on the Codex website.
After so many years with events like this on hold, it was also lovely to find some fellowship in between the official events — gathering with typecasters friends from near and far, and with book artist printers that we rarely see.
The Point Vol. 4
The current issue of the The Point, the newsletter of the C.C. Stern Type Foundry, is fresh off the press! It was a couple months of struggle to figure out justification and spacing issues we were encountering on the Monotype Composition caster, far longer than we originally anticipated. Once the problems were identified and adjustments made, the type came out fast and hot. The Point (Vol. 4) is set primarily in Monotype 12pt. Baskerville, with additions in 8pt. Linotype Spartan. Great to have the foundry all abuzz with making this holiday season!
Rambler Coasters
Letterpress, hand-set metal type and Linotype composition
4” x 4”
In early August of 2023, in the midst of blackberry season, a good friend celebrated their 55th birthday. The recipe was modified from the “Bramble” genre of drinks, and these coasters were created in honor of the occasion. Additional sets were distributed to the Fall 2023 NW Letterpress Network group exchange.
Using random display type from the galley labeled “To Redistribute” (standing now for nearly 20 years), Franklin Gothic, and fresh Linotype Caslon Bold. Printed in a small edition on the tabletop Craftsman press with metallic ink.
“What Belongs in Your Archives?” Legacy Discussion Group
Artists’ Legacy Foundation holds their autumn Legacy Discussion Group this Saturday, October 14, 2023 with the theme “What Belongs in Your Archives?” This is a free roundtable discussion about long-term planning, hosted on Zoom. This gathering will discuss archives, thinking through what objects, images, and papers help to tell an artist's story. The discussion group facilitator will share ideas and examples, and welcomes advice and perspectives from artists, family members, and estate managers.
Poetry Reading & Broadside Release Promotion
Letterpress, Linotype Composition, hand-set wood and metal type
4” x 6” postcard
8’ x 11” poster
The above poster and postcards were printed for the C.C. Stern Type Foundry’s poetry broadside open house and release event, featuring Paulann Petersen. Each word of the wood type in the background was printed with a 2 color “split fountain”, the metal type is overprinted with a dark blue ink.
Type is gothic wood type (originally from Stern & Faye Printers), hand-set metal Tower, Linotype Gothic No. 13.
West Coast Typecasting Skillshare
Back in June, we tried out another experiment in programming for the C.C. Stern Type Foundry in the new rural location. For three days we hosted the typecasting department of Arion Press (M&H Type) at our facility. From morning to evening we applied ourselves to an exchange of information and skills, breaking for a meal at the end of the day. The fellers at M&H are certainly more experienced at running the Monotype composition caster, and so gave us tutorials on common issues and repairs we might need to make as we run the machine more often—cleaning the moulds, assessing the condition of the type carrier, and adjusting the cycle speed for the Welliver interface, in addition to showing us their new method for perfecting type alignment. Besides some practice using the hand mould, and some nerding out on the Variable Frequency Drives for 3-phase power conversion, we introduced them to operation of the Linotype, equipment they don’t have access to at their current facility. We were able to cast enough lines on the machine to print a short poem offered by our resident poet, Joe Green. It was a good way to test the idea of smaller hands on work sessions at the C.C. Stern Type Foundry, and a terrific exchange all around.
I will be in San Francisco later this month and am looking forward to dropping by the M&H foundry in the Presidio to follow up on all the progress both parties have made with machine repairs and improvements.
Pictured above: Joe Green, Brian Bagdonas, Chris Godek, Kris Branco, Connie Blauwkamp, Chris Chen, Rebecca Gilbert, Brian Ferrett
Northwest Letterpress Network at the C.C. Stern Type Foundry
The July 8th, 2023 Northwest Letterpress Network meeting was held at the new C.C. Stern Type Foundry in Clatskanie. When this group started in 2018, the foundry hosted nearly every month and continued to be the default location up until the COVID pandemic moved the gatherings online. When things started up again, the foundry was in the process of packing and relocating to a location far less convenient for the regular attendees. So it was delightful to host and be among nearly 20 print enthusiasts last month at the new facility where volunteers gave a brief overview of the organization, demonstrated casting processes using the hand mould and Linotype, and participants were invited to print a keepsake poster on the proof press in our print shop.
Registration Open for Archiving for Visual Artists Workshop
I’m excited to be offering the Archiving for Visual Artists: Career Documentation and Legacy Considerations workshop at X Gallery Art for the second year in a row. This six session workshop offers guidelines, best practices, and discussion about artwork inventory and storage, studio workflow, legacy goals and planning.
Registration is open now, and closes at the end of the month.
Dates: Aug 30, Sept 13, Sept 27, Oct 11, Oct 25, Nov 8 (2023)
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 4-6:30pm
Ages: 18 and Up
Skill Level: All
Tuition: $450 (Optional studio visit +$90)
Class Size: 5 minimum, 8 maximum
This workshop is designed for visual artists with an active practice, who are looking for structured support around the process of planning and documentation.
Learn more and register:
American Typecasting Fellowship (ATF) Conference 2023
From April 28-30, 2023 just over thirty five people gathered in the Portland, Maine area to convene about all things typecasting. As usual there were presentations, technical sessions related to specific casting machines, an auction and small swap meet. It’s a chance to learn from the hosts and invited instructors on the equipment in their shops, but also to swap updates and information with others who are casting type in the US and internationally. Our hosts were Scott Vile of Ascensius Press and David Wolfe of Wolfe Editions. It was a real honor to spend time in their shops. Both proprietors have extensive typecasting knowledge, but neither had attended an ATF conference before. As part of this one, David Wolfe was able to install a new Welliver interface on his composition caster with the help of the system’s inventor, Bill Welliver, and highlight the addition as part of the technical session.
The presentations featured a lot of information about recent matrix engraving projects undertaken by Jason at Greenboathouse Press, Val at Bowerbox Press, Patrick and Jurie at Letter Kunde Press, and a census of Benton Engravers undertaken by David MacMillan. Of course, there were updates about major moves, historical matrices transferred from storage, and general goings on — some formal and some informal. The fellowship of these events are always valuable. Thanks to all involved for another great gathering!
If you are actively involved or interested in typecasting, there is a hotmetal listserv to share resources, information about available (or wanted) equipment, and general discussion. Sign up through this link.
Raymond Carver Writing Festival poster
Letterpress, wood and metal type, magnesium photo plate
10” x 17”
This poster was designed and printed to promote the revival of the Raymond Carver Writing Festival, held in Carver’s birthplace of Clatskanie, OR (also the new home of our print shop and the C.C. Stern Type Foundry). Raymond Carver is often credited with revising the short story form in America, with a focus on writing about working class folks. It’s been a long time since I tried to print a straight-up show poster, if any writer deserves one it’s Raymond Carver.
Poster designed and printed in collaboration with Brian Scott Bagdonas. Hand-set wood type and metal type, machine composition for smaller text. Linotype 14 point Spartan Medium and Stymie Condensed cast at the new C.C. Stern Type Foundry. Color tint printed from a litho blanket. Letterpress printed on Tango C1S in four colors.
Lawson Inada Broadside
Letterpress, metal type with linocut
Dimensions: 9”w x 15”h
This print features Lawson Fusao Inada’s poem “Nightsong in Asian America.” It is the second broadside released as part of the C.C. Stern Type Foundry’s Pacific Northwest Poets Laureate Project, printed in an edition of 50.
The broadside is set in Ludlow Garamond, which was cast by Jeff Shay and Connie Blauwkamp in 2022. It is illustrated with a reduction linoleum cut by Joseph Green. Printed in three colors.